About Auneeb hussain

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So far Auneeb hussain has created 56 blog entries.

Proactive Alerts and how they help in improving patient care

In many hospitals, physicians sometimes have trouble keeping up with STAT orders as these orders are found somewhere within patient records in the EHR. Physicians often fail to access the EHR while being engaged with patients or travelling and this makes them to occasionally miss orders. This issue could be neutralized if notifications or automatic [...]

EMR vs EHR Software: What’s the difference?

Many physicians tend to use the terms EHR and EMR interchangeably, but interestingly these two are not the same. An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is actually a digital version of a medical chart featuring patient information which could be stored in a computer. An Electronic Health Record (EHR), on the other hand, is a digital [...]

Six ways to make medication management safer in EHRs

Owing to the rapid adoption of certified EHRs (Electronic Health Records) and Health IT (Health Information Technology) tools, the ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology) has been very concerned about the safe use of these tools. A slight human error such as a wrong selection of an option in a drop-down [...]

2019-05-30T15:18:09+00:00By |EMR Systems|

Will 'Trumpcare' become the new norm in America?

2016 had many people preparing for Obamacare, but President Trump is going to replace the healthcare program introduced by the previous president. Despite the numerical success of Obamacare, President Trump plans to implement a new health plan (Trumpcare), which experts are predicting to be readily adoptedby medical practices as soon as it is introduced. Now [...]

2017-01-29T17:22:43+00:00By |EMR Systems|

The disadvantages of faxing in Healthcare Interoperability

Healthcare interoperability is really important for medical practices of all sizes. It has been observed that many practices are still using Fax as their primary method of sharing patient data. This is a major problem and solving it would improve care and lower costs. Strangely, every healthcare organization in the US already supports it,but very [...]

2017-01-28T11:10:48+00:00By |EMR Systems|
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