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So far Kimberly Mullen has created 417 blog entries.

Top 5 Practice Management Software Solutions in 2021

Healthcare organizations aim to streamline administrative and financial tasks. This keeps patients satisfied as better services are provided smoothly. A Practice Management (PM) Software system helps hospitals and clinics to automate and organize daily administrative tasks, simplify the scheduling process, streamline medical billing and manage patient records effectively. A Practice Management Software solution offers a [...]

Top 5 Benefits of EMR Software for Independent and Small Practices

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software systems have transformed how healthcare practices operate. The robust and efficient software systems have helped practices to streamline administrative, clinical, and financial workflows through automation. EHR software benefits differ across practice sizes, and in this article, we will discuss the advantages of EMR Software systems for small and independent practices. [...]

Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) causes Improvement in Patient Care

As healthcare providers are moving towards value-based care, it is critical to utilize data that needs to be captured and documented correctly. Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) helps to make possible that all events in the patient encounter are captured properly and the EHR Software clearly shows the services that were offered to the patient. Accurate [...]

Leveraging Machine Learning to Extract SDOH data from EHR Clinical Notes

Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized healthcare. Machine learning technology facilitates healthcare providers to analyze numerous different data points and propose outcomes. According to a study published by JAMIA, machine learning can be used to extract social determinants of health (SDOH) data from EHR software clinical notes. This extraction of data can help in the development of [...]

Free Telemedicine Software to Help your Small Practice during COVID-19

A telemedicine software platform provides a bridge to connect with patients remotely effectively and promptly. Telemedicine EMR Software is a great option to reach out to patients living in rural areas. Especially during the outbreak of COVID-19 the pandemic persists around the world telemedicine software is being embraced at a rapid rate by healthcare providers [...]

Top 4 Reasons why Physicians Switch EMR Software Vendors

Outdated Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software systems can be a nightmare for healthcare providers. Hence users are prone to make a switch to a better, advanced, efficient software solution that can bring more value and revenue to their medical practice. The new change can be costly for your practice so it is advised that you [...]

Cerner EMR Software is Using EHR Optimization to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19

In the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Cerner PowerWorks Practice Management Software was quick to respond to the pandemic, it updated its Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software platform by extending telehealth solutions, deploying screening tools, and modernizing the EHR Software dashboards. Users of the software vendor also expect rapid changes to be made so [...]

Virtual Healthcare and Positive Patient Outcomes

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world the healthcare sector started finding out innovative ways to reach out to patients remotely. Virtual care is when providers and patients connect through digital devices and tools to communicate effectively remotely. In virtual care, practitioners may use the Telemedicine EMR Software platform, real-time audio, video, and two-way messaging [...]

Avoid being an EHR Data Hostage

Your practice might be in a situation to move to another Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software or Practice Management Software solution. You’ve consulted other users, read authentic user reviews, and even watched software product demos helping you to make the necessary switch. However, sometimes your existing EHR Software vendor might be holding you, hostage, by [...]

Strategies to Protect your Front Staff from Patient Abuse Using Practice Management Software

Front office staff members deal with daily stress related to administrative tasks and dealing one on one with patients. Patients these days are have become careful about the healthcare services they service and want utmost satisfaction at each point of care. Some patients might even abuse your front office staff personnel by yelling and placing [...]

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