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So far Kimberly Mullen has created 418 blog entries.

EMR Software for the compassionate Healthcare Provider (Part 1)

With hundreds of EMR Software vendors today, all competing with each other and claiming to be the ultimate EMR system for the medical provider, “the perfect EMR” is a subjective term, to say the least, where some would argue that such an Electronic Medical Records software simply cannot exist. The truth is however [...]

Apple Health Record’s Beta Test Results Are Amazing

The new feature in the iPhone allows its users to download, customize, view and share their health records. KLAS enterprises hired companies that tested all the 12 beta delivery systems and they found out that, Tech giant Apple launches electronic health record, which is not only a marketing technique but has a great potential [...]

2018-05-23T16:04:01+00:00By |Healthcare News|

Hiking Drug Prices – Blame Congress

Hiking Drug Prices Blame Congress The recent Congressional ire at pharmaceutical companies for hiking up drug prices by more than 500% feels justified, and heartening. Yet what Congress fails to recognize, or articulate, is its own contribution in the situation. Congress has played a key role in bringing the situation around to what it is [...]

2016-10-24T13:20:47+00:00By |Healthcare News|

5 Reasons Why Healthcare Practices Need Marketing

The healthcare industry is constantly adapting to new findings, research and legislation. Add to that individual patient cases and administerial duties, and doctors hardly have time to consider why their practices might be failing, or how to change it. Digital marketing is considered a new trend by most healthcare practices, especially if its a small [...]

2019-08-09T14:32:23+00:00By |healthcare marketing|
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