About Mike Garcia

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So far Mike Garcia has created 278 blog entries.

AI And NLP Utilized To Boost MIPS Payments

Radiology practices such as RadNet has carefully deployed natural language processing tools in order to help them in tackling over-utilization along with performing tasks that are quite challenging for humans. All players in the US healthcare industry know that 2019’s positive or negative Medicare payment adjustments […]

2018-03-01T15:51:24+00:00By |Healthcare News, MIPS|

State Of The Union Majority Wants President Trump To Focus On Healthcare

According to a poll conducted by Morning Consult–Politico, most voters see President Trump’s foremost State of the Union address focusing on improving the healthcare system in the US. The poll revealed that 82 percent of the volunteers said it was important for President Trump to address improving the healthcare system of the US in his [...]

2018-02-01T13:42:27+00:00By |healthcare marketing, Healthcare News|
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