Open Source EHR software is preferred by healthcare providers for its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Here are our top picks for 2024.

OpenMRS EHR Software

OpenMRS stands as a stalwart in the open-source EHR arena, known for its adaptability and extensive global community. Developed with a modular architecture, OpenMRS allows for easy customization to meet the unique needs of diverse healthcare settings. It supports patient management, clinical decision support, and robust data analytics. OpenMRS’s commitment to interoperability ensures that it can seamlessly integrate with other health information systems. This makes it a valuable asset for healthcare organizations aiming for comprehensive patient care.

GNU Health

GNU Health is a robust open-source EHR solution designed to cater to primary care facilities, public health institutions, and humanitarian organizations. It encompasses features such as electronic medical records, laboratory information management, and billing. GNU Health places a strong emphasis on preventive medicine and health promotion. This makes it an ideal choice for organizations focused on community health and well-being.

OpenEMR Open Source EHR Software

OpenEMR has been a prominent player in the open-source EHR space for many years. With a user-friendly interface and a feature-rich set, OpenEMR serves a wide range of healthcare providers. It includes modules for scheduling, billing, and e-prescribing, making it a comprehensive solution for healthcare management. OpenEMR’s active community and regular updates ensure that the software remains at the forefront of technological advancements.




OSCAR EMR is a Canadian-developed EHR system that has gained recognition for its focus on user experience and patient engagement. OSCAR EMR supports a range of functionalities, including appointment scheduling, e-prescribing, and secure messaging. Its modular design allows healthcare providers to choose the modules that best suit their needs. This promotes efficiency and reduces unnecessary complexity.

DHIS2 EHR Software

Primarily known for health information management for public health programs, DHIS2 has evolved into a comprehensive health management platform. With modules for data collection, analytics, and visualization, DHIS2 is well-suited for managing health information at scale. It is particularly popular in the context of global health initiatives and public health research.

LibreHealth EHR

LibreHealth EHR is a community-driven, scalable EHR solution that focuses on providing a user-friendly interface and customizable workflows. It supports features such as electronic prescribing, patient demographics, and clinical documentation. LibreHealth EHR is designed to meet the needs of healthcare organizations of varying sizes.

Care2x EHR Software

Care2x is an open-source healthcare information system that caters to the needs of hospitals and healthcare networks. It encompasses modules for patient administration, billing, and electronic medical records. Care2x is particularly known for its multilingual support and internationalization, making it a viable option for healthcare organizations with diverse linguistic requirements.


Tolven is an open-source platform that extends beyond EHR to cover a broad spectrum of healthcare applications. This includes health information exchange and population health management. With a focus on standards-based interoperability, Tolven facilitates seamless data exchange between different healthcare systems. Its modular architecture allows healthcare organizations to implement the specific functionalities they need, promoting a tailored and efficient approach to healthcare delivery.