How Does EHR Data Help Public Health?

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software technology can contribute to enhancing population health in the United States. EMR data can be leveraged to better comprehend the level and distribution of disease, function, and overall population well-being. What is public health? Public health is a variety of disciplines concerned with the protection and enhancement of the health [...]

Tips to Improve Patient Flow

Optimizing patient flow should be the key strategy of hospitals because it keeps patients satisfied when they are moving through the healthcare facility. Due to the pandemic hospitals and clinics have lost a lot of revenue which has hurt their financial health. The pandemic has contributed over $200 billion in losses for hospitals, according to [...]

Benefits of Healthcare Interoperability

Interoperability is the key fundamental to supporting seamless data exchange between software systems. It also presents data in a way that can be easily comprehended by the stakeholders in the healthcare sector. Health information exchange in the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software system involves the transfer of all health-related data including; patient medical history, medication [...]

EMR Software and Value-Based Care

EHR Software technology plays a vital role to facilitate the shift towards value-based care from the traditional fee-for-service model. Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model that focuses to boost health outcome levels and reduce costs. The new model values patient satisfaction and workflow efficiency. Whereas, the fee-for-service model was paid based on the number [...]

EMR Software in Post-Acute Care

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software technology plays a crucial role in post-acute care. The robust platform aids post-acute caregivers in efficiently managing patient information, streamlining clinical workflows, and improving the quality of patient care. How can EHR systems help providers in post-acute care? Skilled nursing institutions, home health agencies, and rehabilitation centers are examples of [...]

Statewide HIE for Care Coordination

A recent collaboration between DCSF and Arkansas statewide HIE will streamline care coordination for children in foster care. Care coordination depends on making sure that children's health information follows them from provider to provider as they move through the foster care system. Health information exchange challenges such as data silos across social care and healthcare [...]

The Role of Mobile EHR Apps

Mobile electronic health record (EHR) software apps are crucial in healthcare. These powerful apps give healthcare providers mobile access to patient health information at any time and from any location. The amount of time physicians spend at their workstations has decreased as a result of their ability to access systems via cell phones and tablets. [...]

eClinicalWorks Adds AI Models into EHR

Cloud-based software vendor, eClinicalWorks has announced to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) models and ChatGPT into its EMR and practice management solutions. The power of AI will transform health IT solutions by enhancing usability, security, and patient safety. Investment in Microsoft Azure Cloud eClinicalWorks EMR software has invested $100 million in Microsoft Azure Cloud services. The [...]

The use of AI in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making waves in the healthcare industry, but physicians are often skeptical of the technology and dislike machines telling them what to do. Patients today want greater patient engagement and care delivery processes, prompting providers to proactively reconsider AI. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can improve treatment outcomes and keep patients [...]

Top 5 Benefits of using EMR Software

Healthcare systems and hospitals have embraced certified EHR software solutions because of their many benefits and billions of dollars in incentives provided by the CMS. In 2021, 96 percent of acute care hospitals and 78 percent of office-based physicians have leveraged Electronic Medical Records Software technology. The high percentage reflects how these robust solutions streamline workflows [...]

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