Virtual Care with EMR Software

Virtual care is one of the exciting and most promising trends in healthcare; it is easy, fast, and focused on patients. At the center of this change is Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software, which consists of robust tools that facilitate virtual care for patients and care providers. Virtual Care Solutions in EMR Software System Telemedicine [...]

2025-01-06T09:33:32+00:00By |Advantages, Ambulatory Care, Ambulatory Surgery Center, American Heart Month, Blockchain Technology, Cancer Care, Care Coordination, Care Management, Cerner EHR Software, Cerner EMR, Cerner Government Solutions, Chiropractic Management Solution, Chronic Conditions, Chronic Disease Management, Chronic Illness, Clinical Decision Support, Clinician Burnout, COVID-19, Cyber-Attacks, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Decision Support Tools, Dental Marketing, Digital Solutions, EHR Optimization, EHR Software Implementation, EHR Usability, EHR Vendors, Electronic Health Records, Electronic Medical Records, ELEVATE from Epic, EMR for Solo Practices, EMR Triggers, EMR Usage, Epic Cheers, Epic Community Members, Epic EHR Implementation, Epic EMR Reporting, Epic EMR Software, Epic Garden Plot, Epic MyChart Bedside, Google Health, Health It Tools, Healthcare Aquisition, Healthcare Collaboration, Healthcare in the US, Healthcare It Partnership, Healthcare Phishing, Image Integration, Improved Cybersecurity, Improved Patient Care, Improved Patient Outcomes, Integration, Interoperability, Interoperable, IoT, IT Infrastructure, Machine Learning, MACRA Certified, Master Patient Index, Meaningful Use Requirements, Medical Billing, MEDITECH EHR Software, MEDITECH Expanse, MedWise, Mental Health Apps, Mental Healthcare in US, MME Monitor App, Motivated Team Members, National Cancer Control Month, New Health IT Launches, NextGen, NextGen Mental Health Suite, Ob-Gyn EMR Software, Online Presence, Online Scheduling, Opioid Management, Opioid Monitoring, Optimized Reporting, Outsourcing Medical Billing, Patient Communication, Patient Data, Patient Engagement Tools, Patient Experience, Patient Portal Features, Patient Safety, Patient Satisfaction, Patient Scheduling, Pediatric Care, Pediatric Healthcare, Performance Goals, Phishing Scam, Physician Burnout, Prescription Routing, Remote Care, Remote Patient Monitoring, Russian Cybersecurity Threats, Smoking Cessation Care, Staff Productivity, Streamlined Clinical Reporting, Streamlined Tasks, Surescripts, Telehealth, Urgent Care Clinic, Value-Based Care, Virtual Care, Virtual Care Solutions, Virtual Visits, Wearable Sensors, Wearable Technology, Workflow Automation|

Chronic Disease Management with EMR

Chronic disease illnesses are alarmingly high in the United States with 60% of adults living with at least one chronic disease. Chronic diseases include diabetes, heart issues, arthritis, and osteoporosis. The effective management of these ailments is critical to boost health outcomes and improve a patient's overall lifestyle. Fortunately with advancements in healthcare technology, one [...]

The Future of Telemedicine EMR

The global COVID-19 pandemic caused many changes in all industries, especially healthcare. Due to the pandemic hospitals were overburdened, there were staff and provider shortages, and patients were advised to practice social distancing. Amidst this chaos, Telemedicine EMR Software came to the forefront of care. The virtual care solution helped patients receive remote diagnosis and [...]

How can EHRs Improve Nursing Home Care?

Nursing homes, also known as skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) or long-term care facilities, are residential facilities that provide healthcare and accommodation to people who need long-term care due to age, chronic medical conditions, impairments, or other health-related needs. These facilities are an important aspect of the healthcare system, serving a broad population of citizens in [...]

EHR and Remote Diabetes Monitoring

November is American Diabetes Month, where healthcare providers, organizations, and communities at large shed light on diabetes. Diabetes can impact a person’s daily life but healthy lifestyle changes and knowledge can help navigate diabetes. According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report 37.3 million people have diabetes this is about 1 in 10 people. Remote Diabetes [...]

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