Top 5 Benefits of using EMR Software

Healthcare systems and hospitals have embraced certified EHR software solutions because of their many benefits and billions of dollars in incentives provided by the CMS. In 2021, 96 percent of acute care hospitals and 78 percent of office-based physicians have leveraged Electronic Medical Records Software technology. The high percentage reflects how these robust solutions streamline workflows [...]

Increase in ePrescribing Adoption

An ONC data brief has shown an increase in ePrescribing adoption for controlled substances. The use of electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) and prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) can support clinicians to make confident and informed care and treatment decisions. The USA is going through a drug overdose crisis, and using EPCS and PDMPs [...]

Importance of PDMPs in Healthcare

Prescription drug monitoring programs help healthcare providers make sure that they are well aware of patients who are addicted or are at risk of becoming addicted to dangerous prescription drugs. The PDPM program is a proactive strategy to combat the opioid crisis in the United States. What are Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs? PDMP programs are [...]

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