Using RPM to Reduce Clinician Burnout

Clinician burnout is a major issue faced by healthcare providers in the United States. According to the the American Medical Association burnout occurs because of long-term stress reactions. Being a physician is stressful, and the demanding workload associated with healthcare can lead to burnout. Reasons for an Increase in physician burnout Many triggers can contribute [...]

Ways to Make EHRs More Efficient

Electronic Health Records software has contributed to healthcare by automating tedious tasks and improving patient care. However, clinicians are upset about the time they spend on the EMR system. Primary care physicians and specialists feel that it adds to physician burnout, which can reduce productivity and demotivate caregivers. What is EMR Software optimization? The process [...]

How Does EHR Data Help Public Health?

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software technology can contribute to enhancing population health in the United States. EMR data can be leveraged to better comprehend the level and distribution of disease, function, and overall population well-being. What is public health? Public health is a variety of disciplines concerned with the protection and enhancement of the health [...]

Tips to Improve Patient Flow

Optimizing patient flow should be the key strategy of hospitals because it keeps patients satisfied when they are moving through the healthcare facility. Due to the pandemic hospitals and clinics have lost a lot of revenue which has hurt their financial health. The pandemic has contributed over $200 billion in losses for hospitals, according to [...]

Patient-Reported Outcome EHR Integration

Patient-reported outcome or (PRO) EMR integration refers to the integration of patient-reported outcome measures within electronic health record systems. PROs measure a patient's health status, symptoms, and quality of life that are reported directly by the patient. Patient-reported outcomes assess a patient's health status, symptoms, and quality of life based on information provided by the [...]

Role of Patient Portals in EHRs

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have established themselves as a fundamental component of contemporary healthcare procedures as the healthcare sector continues to embrace digital change. Patient portals in EHR systems are essential for empowering people and improving communication between patients and healthcare professionals. In this blog post, we examine the function of patient portals in EHRs, [...]

Generative AI Tools with Epic EHR Software

Microsoft and Epic EMR Software have collaborated to unlock the power of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. Generative AI can enhance Electronic Health Records software's precision and overall technology. This can greatly improve daily workflows and enable healthcare providers to focus on patient care. What is generative AI? Generative AI is a type of artificial [...]

Home Healthcare Industry Trends

The home healthcare industry is booming rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for home healthcare, however, the rising number of gaining citizens with chronic conditions makes home care vital in the United States.  Every fourth patient being treated at a home care agency is over 85 years old and suffering from chronic conditions. [...]

EMR Software and Value-Based Care

EHR Software technology plays a vital role to facilitate the shift towards value-based care from the traditional fee-for-service model. Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model that focuses to boost health outcome levels and reduce costs. The new model values patient satisfaction and workflow efficiency. Whereas, the fee-for-service model was paid based on the number [...]

Cloud-Data Migration in Healthcare

Some medical practices and hospital systems are dissatisfied with their current EHR software system. There can be many reasons such as lack of functionality, difficulty to use, and vendor concerns. A transition to a new software system may be the only choice. However, this presents hurdles in terms of time, money, and effort. The IT [...]

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