EMR software vendors today often subsidize the cost of their Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software platform for customers opting for their Medical Billing Services (RCM services). Many practices choosing such bundled software and services option often report lower administrative overhead and more streamlined operations. Medical billing services are offered to increase the EHR software vendor’s share of the monthly income generated by the medical practice. This is the reason that the Medical Billing Services vendors generally charge a fixed and/or variable percentage of the practice’s collections as their monthly fees.

Private clinics and even large healthcare organizations today choose to outsource their billing to a third party in hopes of effectively managing the entire medical billing cycle. Hospital billing is always complex and requires extensive staff involvement and/or training to ensure that all claims are properly documented, submitted and followed up on.

When it comes to Electronic Health Records software bundled with Revenue Cycle Management services, there are many options available today but only a few consistently well reviewed vendors. Following are two of the most renowned EMR software companies in 2019 offering consistently high quality billing services as well:

Epic EMR and Medical Billing Services by Epic Systems –

Epic EHR Systems is a universally recognized healthcare IT organization providing a state-of-the-art Electronic Health Records software solution mainly to hospitals and large healthcare organizations. The robustness and reliability of their EMR software platform has been the hallmark of the company. However, it has only been recent years that the company has actively started promoting their complete Medical Billing Services to supplement their EHR software. This has been met with a generally positive response from their hospital and ambulatory customer-base, with many choosing to outsource their billing operations to Epic Systems. The company has employed specialized medical billing and coding staff with many skilled across multiple medical specialties.

The advantage of choosing Epic’s Electronic Medical Records software together with their specialized Revenue Cycle Management services is a near guarantee that the administrative overhead should decrease and that the sheer size of the company should mean stability and longevity. It also bodes well for providers familiar with using Epic EHR systems at the hospitals as it minimizes the amount of training. The complete suite of Epic EMR system includes integrated Practice Management software, a dedicated Patient Portal, intuitive e-Rx, extensive lab interfacing and connectivity, MACRA and Meaningful Use support, ACO reporting, support for PCMH and CCM as well as support for FQHC reporting.

Athenahealth EMR Software and Billing Services –

When it comes to EHR software and Medical Billing Services combination, few companies can come close or even be compared with Athenahealth EMR software and Medical Billing services solution. The reason for this is quite simply Athenahealth’s years of experience and unrivalled success in the Medical Billing Services industry since the very beginning. The company can be regarded as one of the pioneers of this hybrid model where EMR systems are bundled with Medical Billing Services. Through the years, the company has expanded their network of providers to across the country with thousands of satisfied customers helping improve the quality of their services. One of the factors that has played a vital role in the success of the company’s Medical Billing services has been their continued learning and large volumes of data comparison based on the medical specialty, demographic and size of each healthcare organization.

This means that Athenahealth has a clear advantage in providing the highest quality Medical Billing Services by offering extensive reporting and comparison backed by a wide network of healthcare professionals and organizations as customers to support consistent improvement and increase to the earnings and revenue collection of every customer. Aside from this, Athenahealth offers Cloud-based EHR software with integrated Practice Management, Patient Portal (MyChart), Population Health Management, Tele-medicine, iPad EMR software apps, HIPAA Compliance, MACRA support, as well as extensive reporting and analytics.