EMR software is integral to enhancing patient care, streamlining operations, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Epic and Tebra stand out as two prominent options, each offering distinct features and benefits. We compare Epic and Tebra EMR software, exploring their functionalities, usability, pricing, and overall value to help healthcare in 2024.

Overview of Epic and Tebra EMR Software

Epic Systems

Epic Systems is a long-established market leader, widely adopted by large healthcare organizations, hospitals, and academic medical centers. Known for its comprehensive and robust features, Epic caters to a broad range of specialties and provides extensive interoperability with other healthcare systems. Its high level of customization and scalability makes it a preferred choice for large-scale healthcare operations.


Tebra, a relatively newer entrant in the EMR space, emerged from the merger of Kareo and PatientPop. Tebra aims to offer an all-in-one platform that integrates EMR, practice management, and patient engagement solutions. Targeting small to mid-sized practices, Tebra emphasizes ease of use, affordability, and comprehensive support. This makes it an attractive option for healthcare providers seeking an integrated and user-friendly EMR software.

Feature Comparison

EMR Software User Interface and Usability

Epic – Epic’s user interface is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the system to their specific workflow needs. However, this customization comes with a steep learning curve, requiring significant training and adaptation. Despite this, once mastered, Epic’s interface can greatly enhance efficiency and accuracy in documentation and patient management.

Tebra – Tebra’s interface is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Its intuitive design reduces the learning curve, enabling healthcare providers to quickly adapt and navigate the software. Tebra also offers robust support and training resources, ensuring that users can make the most of the software with minimal hassle.

Interoperability and Integration

Epic – Epic is renowned for its superior interoperability capabilities, facilitating seamless data exchange with other EMR systems, health information exchanges (HIEs), and third-party applications. This interoperability is crucial for large healthcare organizations that need to share patient data across various systems and platforms.

Tebra – While Tebra offers decent interoperability features, it is primarily designed to integrate within its ecosystem of practice management and patient engagement tools. It supports integration with other systems, but its interoperability is not as extensive as Epic’s, which might be a limitation for larger practices or those needing extensive cross-platform data exchange.

EMR Software Customization and Scalability

Epic – Epic excels in customization and scalability, making it suitable for large hospitals and multi-specialty groups. Users can tailor workflows, templates, and reports to match their specific needs, ensuring that the system grows and adapts with the organization. However, this level of customization often requires dedicated IT support and significant investment.

Tebra – Tebra provides customization options that are more straightforward and user-friendly. It caters well to small and mid-sized practices, offering scalability to grow as the practice expands. The system’s modular approach allows users to add features as needed without overwhelming complexity or cost.

Clinical Features and Decision Support

Epic – Epic offers a comprehensive suite of clinical tools, including advanced decision support, predictive analytics, and population health management. These features help healthcare providers improve clinical outcomes, reduce errors, and enhance patient care. Epic’s extensive clinical modules cover a wide range of specialties, making it a versatile choice for diverse healthcare settings.

Tebra – Tebra focuses on essential clinical features that cater to the needs of small to mid-sized practices. While it may not offer the advanced decision support capabilities found in Epic, Tebra provides robust clinical documentation, e-prescribing, and patient management tools that are sufficient for most outpatient settings.

EMR Software Pricing and Implementation


Epic is known for its high implementation costs and long deployment timelines. The system’s complexity and extensive customization options require significant investment in terms of both time and money. Additionally, Epic’s pricing model typically includes substantial upfront costs followed by ongoing maintenance fees, making it more suitable for larger organizations with substantial budgets.


Tebra offers a more affordable and transparent pricing structure, appealing to small and mid-sized practices. Its implementation process is designed to be quicker and less resource-intensive, reducing the overall cost and time required to get the system up and running. Tebra’s subscription-based pricing model provides flexibility and predictability in budgeting, making it accessible to a wider range of healthcare providers.

Support and Training

Epic EMR Software

Epic provides extensive training and support services, including on-site training, online resources, and dedicated support teams. However, the complexity of the system means that ongoing support is often necessary, which can add to the overall cost. Epic’s user community and forums also offer valuable peer support and knowledge sharing.

Tebra EMR Software

Tebra emphasizes ease of use and provides comprehensive support and training resources to ensure smooth implementation and ongoing use. The company offers online training modules, live support, and a robust knowledge base, making it easy for users to find the help they need. Tebra’s customer support is often praised for its responsiveness and effectiveness.

Final Thoughts Before Buying EMR Software

When comparing Epic and Tebra EMR software in 2024, it is clear that both systems offer unique advantages tailored to different segments of the healthcare market. Epic stands out for its extensive features, high level of customization, and interoperability, making it ideal for large healthcare organizations and hospitals. However, its high cost and complexity may be prohibitive for smaller practices.

On the other hand, Tebra provides a user-friendly, affordable, and integrated solution that is well-suited for small to mid-sized practices. Its emphasis on simplicity, combined with comprehensive support and reasonable pricing, makes it an attractive option for healthcare providers looking for efficient and cost-effective EMR software.

Ultimately, the choice between Epic and Tebra will depend on the specific needs, budget, and scale of the healthcare practice. By carefully evaluating the features, costs, and support offered by each system, healthcare providers can select the EMR software that best aligns with their operational goals and enhances patient care.