Go Green – EHR’s Environmental Impact

Every industry is considering its environmental impact. The urge to leave a better world behind is a good thing for our future. So how is the healthcare industry combating pollution and medical waste? Let's review EHR's environmental impact and how it improves healthcare for patients and the planet. Reduced Paper Usage for EHR's Environmental Impact [...]

Connect Through EHR for Seamless Data Flow

The efficient exchange of patient information is critical for providing high-quality care and providers look to EHR for seamless data flow. In this blog post, we will explore how connecting through EHR  enhances healthcare delivery. Improved Care Coordination in EHR for Seamless Data Flow EHR systems enable healthcare providers to access comprehensive patient information in [...]

The Evolution of EMR – Past Present Future

The evolution of EMR is truly inspiring. It has come a long way since its inception, transforming the way healthcare providers store, manage, and access patient information. Let's take a closer look at the evolution of EMR, from its humble beginnings to the present state, and explore its promising future. The Past - Early Adoption [...]

EMR Software Streamlining Clinical Trials

Clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge and bringing new treatments to patients. However, managing and conducting clinical trials can be a complex and time-consuming process. EMR software has emerged as a powerful tool to streamline and optimize various aspects of clinical trials. Efficient Participant Recruitment and Management EMR software enables researchers [...]

Patient-Reported Outcome EHR Integration

Patient-reported outcome or (PRO) EMR integration refers to the integration of patient-reported outcome measures within electronic health record systems. PROs measure a patient's health status, symptoms, and quality of life that are reported directly by the patient. Patient-reported outcomes assess a patient's health status, symptoms, and quality of life based on information provided by the [...]

Role of Patient Portals in EHRs

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have established themselves as a fundamental component of contemporary healthcare procedures as the healthcare sector continues to embrace digital change. Patient portals in EHR systems are essential for empowering people and improving communication between patients and healthcare professionals. In this blog post, we examine the function of patient portals in EHRs, [...]

Generative AI Tools with Epic EHR Software

Microsoft and Epic EMR Software have collaborated to unlock the power of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. Generative AI can enhance Electronic Health Records software's precision and overall technology. This can greatly improve daily workflows and enable healthcare providers to focus on patient care. What is generative AI? Generative AI is a type of artificial [...]

Benefits of Healthcare Interoperability

Interoperability is the key fundamental to supporting seamless data exchange between software systems. It also presents data in a way that can be easily comprehended by the stakeholders in the healthcare sector. Health information exchange in the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software system involves the transfer of all health-related data including; patient medical history, medication [...]

Home Healthcare Industry Trends

The home healthcare industry is booming rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for home healthcare, however, the rising number of gaining citizens with chronic conditions makes home care vital in the United States.  Every fourth patient being treated at a home care agency is over 85 years old and suffering from chronic conditions. [...]

Increase Patient Base Using EMR Software

Building a patient base using EMR software is one of the top concerns for independent practitioners. This is especially true since the pandemic changed how patients view and use healthcare and clinic visits. Gone are the days when patients would stick with one doctor their entire lives. Now, patients are more likely to shop for [...]

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