ONC Develops New Health Protocols for Interoperability and Care Coordination

The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed the importance of interoperability. If medical information cannot be easily accessed then this can result in difficulties inpatient care which can cause issues with public health surveillance. To improve interoperability options and enhance care coordination between healthcare professionals, ONC is working with health IT stakeholders to create two new health [...]

Leveraging Machine Learning to Extract SDOH data from EHR Clinical Notes

Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized healthcare. Machine learning technology facilitates healthcare providers to analyze numerous different data points and propose outcomes. According to a study published by JAMIA, machine learning can be used to extract social determinants of health (SDOH) data from EHR software clinical notes. This extraction of data can help in the development of [...]

Top 5 Benefits of PACS Software for Small Medical Practices

PACS software solution is also known as Picture Archiving and Communication System has revolutionized how the healthcare system operates, aiding physicians to smoothly share medical imaging reports electronically. The robust medical imaging technology offers effective management and distribution of medical images. The PACS software system is being adopted by medical practices of all sizes as [...]

Consideration Before Undertaking EHR Cloud Data Migration in the Healthcare Industry

Some medical practices and hospital systems are not satisfied with their existing EHR software system as it may lack functionality, is difficult to use, and have issues with the software vendor. A switch to a new software system has its challenges as it takes the opportunity cost of time, money, and effort. The IT staff [...]

Cerner EMR Software is Using EHR Optimization to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19

In the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Cerner PowerWorks Practice Management Software was quick to respond to the pandemic, it updated its Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software platform by extending telehealth solutions, deploying screening tools, and modernizing the EHR Software dashboards. Users of the software vendor also expect rapid changes to be made so [...]

Virtual Healthcare and Positive Patient Outcomes

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world the healthcare sector started finding out innovative ways to reach out to patients remotely. Virtual care is when providers and patients connect through digital devices and tools to communicate effectively remotely. In virtual care, practitioners may use the Telemedicine EMR Software platform, real-time audio, video, and two-way messaging [...]

Avoid being an EHR Data Hostage

Your practice might be in a situation to move to another Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software or Practice Management Software solution. You’ve consulted other users, read authentic user reviews, and even watched software product demos helping you to make the necessary switch. However, sometimes your existing EHR Software vendor might be holding you, hostage, by [...]

5 Amazing Benefits of Patient Portal EMR Software for your Patients

According to HealthIT.gov, a patient portal is a protected online platform that gives the opportunity for patients to easily access personal health information round the clock from their devices with internet connectivity. Practices these days are focused on providing patient-centered care and finding out different ways to enhance patient engagement and satisfaction scores throughout the [...]

Telemedicine Solutions during COVID-19 and Beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for remote health tools to provide ongoing and instant care to patients from the comfort of their homes. Telemedicine is one of the top non-traditional forms of healthcare technology that has gained immense importance amidst the pandemic and is being seen as an effective tool to offer diagnosis [...]

Telemedicine Cybersecurity Threats and What to do?

The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the world to use telehealth and telemedicine solutions to provide care to patients remotely and help curb the spread of the virus in hospitals and clinics. Millions of clinics have shut down and are offering healthcare solutions via telemedicine EMR software systems. However, telehealth is open to threats from cyber-attackers [...]

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