October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, also known as Pink Month. During Pink Month efforts are made globally to raise awareness of breast cancer and educate women on early identification and seeking help promptly. Survival rates are high when breast cancer is identified in its early stages, which can boost health outcomes.

EMR Software Technology and Breast Cancer Care

The advent of healthcare technology such as Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software can play a pivotal role in improving the quality of breast cancer care. EHR software system is a crucial part of the larger healthcare ecosystem and helps patients receive better care for breast cancer by ensuring that correct and up-to-date information is available.

EHR Templates and EMR Systems Trigger for Improved Breast Cancer Care

Researchers in North Carolina have optimized Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software to implement templates and EMR triggers to encourage a better understanding of the clinical pathways for better breast cancer care,  according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Pathways.

By improving clinical documentation, expediting procedures, and guaranteeing that healthcare practitioners follow evidence-based protocols, the use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Systems templates and triggers can greatly improve the treatment provided to patients with breast cancer. Here’s how to make the most of these tools:

Standardized Templates in EHR Software

Breast Cancer Screening

Make breast cancer screening EHR templates that incorporate patient risk indicators, suggested screening techniques, and scheduling. This guarantees that medical professionals adhere to established protocols for early identification.

Clinical Breast Exams

These aid in the creation of templates for clinical breast exam documentation, enabling healthcare providers to methodically record results, breast anomalies, and follow-up advice.

Treatment Plans

Comprehensive treatment regimens for breast cancer can be documented using EMR Software templates. To make sure that oncologists follow established guidelines, these templates may include choices for targeted therapies, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

CDS Triggers in EMR Systems

Screening Prompts

Automatic screening reminders in the EHR Software are a great and consistent way to remind clinicians to schedule breast cancer screenings for patients who meet the criteria. This can help in the early identification of breast cancer and therefore is treatable.

Guideline Adherence Alerts

Configure alarms to notify when a medical provider veers from accepted standards of care for breast cancer. This can guarantee the application of evidence-based practices.

Medication Interactions

The medication interaction feature in the EHR Software can be deployed to alert oncologists about potential medication interaction. This can improve patient safety by avoiding adverse effects.

Telemedicine Software Integration for Breast Cancer Care and Support

EMR Software can be integrated with telemedicine software platforms, making virtual consultations with healthcare providers more convenient for breast cancer patients. This is especially useful when patients require regular check-ins or follow-up sessions.

With the ease of telemedicine sessions breast cancer patients who live in rural areas or the outskirts can have regular check-ups with the oncologist despite geographical barriers. This can help to monitor treatment progress and manage any side effects.

Patients with breast cancer can get access to emotional support, counseling, and direction from medical providers or mental health specialists through telehealth visits. Emotional support can be a game changer in the recovery of a cancer patient and keep them in high hopes and spirits.