Expanding Patient Reach through Telemedicine EMR Software

What is Telemedicine Software? Telemedicine EMR Software is the use of digital technologies to provide a virtual platform that links up doctors and patients effectively. Conditions can be assessed, treated, and diagnosed over virtual appointments, two-way communications through desktop and smartphone devices. Telemedicine is a perfect platform for patients to receive care remotely. Dermatologists can [...]

How to communicate efficiently with your Patients During COVID-19

Seamlessly communicating with your patients in times of crisis is crucial for any practice to survive and grow. Many changes have taken place due to the COVID-19 pandemic such as an increase in patient safety, education about patient care, and precautions against the virus that need to be communicated to patients promptly and in the [...]

Top 5 Healthcare Trends of 2021

Year 2020 has been devastating in terms of economic, social, and healthcare impacts it has had on the world, however, the COVID-10 pandemic pushed the whole world to find quick and scalable healthcare solutions to curb the spread of the deadly virus. We saw hospitals, healthcare professionals leveraging technology and digital solutions like never before [...]

How to make Telemedicine EMR Software work for Doctors and Patients?

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed hospitals and doctors to embrace digital health technologies and tools to provide remote care services to their patients. Since the pandemic hit, the number of US citizens trying virtual care has almost doubled to curb the spread of the harmful virus. As healthcare sectors embrace technology and Telemedicine EMR Software [...]

How Virtual Care Drive Positive Patient Outcomes?

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world the healthcare sector started finding out innovative ways to reach out to patients remotely. Virtual care is when providers and patients connect through digital devices and tools to communicate effectively remotely. In virtual care, practitioners may use the Telemedicine EMR Software platform, real-time audio, video, and two-way messaging [...]

Free Telemedicine EMR Software Solutions to Help your Medical Practice in COVID-19

A Telemedicine EMR Software platform provides a bridge to connect with patients remotely effectively and promptly. Telemedicine software is a great option to reach out to patients living in rural areas. Especially during the outbreak of COVID-19 and as the second wave of the pandemic persists telemedicine software is being embraced at a rapid rate [...]

Telehealth Cybersecurity Threats and How to Protect your Medical Practice?

The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the world to use telemedicine and telehealth solutions to provide care to patients remotely and help curb the spread of the virus in hospitals and clinics. Millions of clinics have shut down and are offering healthcare solutions via Telemedicine EMR software system. However, telemedicine is open to threats from cyber-attackers [...]

All you need to know about Telemedicine EMR Software in COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for remote health tools to provide on-going and instant care to patients from the comfort of their homes. Telemedicine is one of the top non-traditional forms of healthcare technology that has gained immense importance amidst the pandemic and is being seen as an effective tool to offer diagnosis [...]

Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Practices

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting medical practices with a negative financial influence making it difficult for healthcare providers to maintain a revenue stream. Due to the pandemic in the United States, patient volumes have decreased a 60% which has reduced revenue forcing small medical set-ups to lay-off staff members. Primary care physicians are experiencing a [...]

Benefits of Telemedicine EMR Software for Providers and Patients

The power of telemedicine EMR software systems has been recognized by healthcare systems in the United States to provide high-quality care to patients. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly increased telemedicine adaptation rates as hospital staff was overburdened and people were urged to practice social distancing by all means to contain the spread of the deadly virus. [...]

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