Advancements in internal medicine practices have created complexity in management, legality and quality care deliverance. Internal Medicine covers a vast range of specialties and practitioners require up-to-the last minute information of each patient who might be suffering from more than one illness.

The task to record and store copious volumes of data for future clinical decision support seems impossible without a robust Internal Medicine Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Practice Management (PM) Software.

Specialty-Specific Software are built from the ground up to understand the unique needs of internal medicine practice and provide features to assist in expediting practices’ workflow and financial efficiency.

Features of Internal Medicine EHR Software

To have a good understanding of how the software works, it is advisable to learn about the different features and functionalities of the software. Before choosing a Plastic Surgery EHR software, we should check if the software has the following key features:

Templates –Internal Medicine EHR Software should incorporate all specialty templates in the SOAP notes enabling all patient information on one platform.

Multiple Complaints – Internal Medicine EMR Software should support patient files across various specialties helping in evaluating treatment plans, and detecting warning signs if any.

Workflow Management – Internal Medicine EMR Software should be able to manage clinical workflows and provide physicians with decision support.

ICD/CPT Codes – Internal Medicine EMR Software should incorporate the updated and relevant ICD-10 & CPT codes making billing easier, accurate and quick.

Equipment Integration – Internal Medicine EMR Software should be integrated with diagnostic equipment for immediate access and storage.

Lab Interface & e-Prescribing – Internal Medicine EHR Software should have a built-in lab interface as well as an e-prescription for automated contact with pharmacies.

Patient Portal – Internal Medicine Patient Portal Software should provide a platform for patients to review their medical files, test results, schedule appointments and be on top of their checkups, or upcoming vaccinations or tests.

Real-time Dashboard – Internal Medicine EHR software should provide a clear and insightful view of patient charts, profiles, medical billing, scheduling, etc.

Disease Management & Growth Charts – Internal medicine Electronic Health Record software (EHR) should help track vaccinations and growth charts for constant updates of patient medical history.

Top 10 Internal Medicine EMR & PM Software by EMRSystems

EMRSystems values its customers and has compiled a list of the 10 best and top-rated Internal medicine EMR & PM software solutions for physician practices in 2020. The list is completely based on authentic customer reviews and ratings:

Internal medicine Electronic Health Record software (EHR) Software available in the market are in hundreds and they provide a lot of features. Based on our conversations with the practitioners and medical officers, most of them find these features (besides a few) as redundant or irrelevant and often perceive them as a marketing gimmick. Our advice is to actually look at your clinical and administrative workflow to determine the aspects of the EHR you need and also consult your provider to ensure that the Internal medicine Software you are choosing only provides relevant features and not more than what you need.