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EMA® Telehealth-Enabled EHR Software

Rating: 5
Reviews: 5
: Mar, 2025

Modernizing Medicine telehealth platform has robust features that provide remote care solutions and facilities which enable health care practitioners to reach more patients. Through EMA Telehealth patients can receive medical care from the comfort of their homes.

Real-time audio and video capabilities offered by EMA telemedicine helps to engage and connect with patients effectively. The video chat is high resolution and helps to screen patients irrespective of whether the health practitioner’s clinic is open or close. The two-way video connection with audio is a satisfying experience for the patient to seek consultations without having to leave home. The telehealth platform is a quick and effective way to minimize the risk of exposure for staff members and front line practitioners especially during the novel coronavirus crisis. The telehealth software integrates with the current EHR software which makes its running easy. Time can be maximized with video conferencing feature as the practitioner can see patients on the go. The video telemedicine module also enables health caregivers to document COVID-19 related notes natively in EMA. The video chat tool in the Pocket Patient App lets the user get notified when the doctor is available therefore reducing waiting times. Personalized services can be received and push notifications keep the patient updated regarding the submitted case.

EMA® telehealth-enabled EHR Software is HIPAA Compliant to ensure that safe and secure two-way communication can be ensured. The video chat functionality extends to accommodate your existing clinical workflows and give remote patient care to patients without a hassle. Live patient engagement round the clock enhance patient outcomes. Clinical documentation from each consultation can also be produced via telemedicine module.

With store and forward capabilities and a user-friendly platform, modmed telehealth also offers support for its users to provide solutions and consultations. During the COVID-19 pandemic EMA telehealth solution is being embraced to help reach maximum number of patients.

User Reviews for EMA® Telehealth-Enabled EHR Software

    • Overall

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    • Functionality

    Pros: The experience so far has been excellent, it meets all our needs. The training was amazing. Everything was well organized with all the required material in a very calm manner. The support team has also been very cooperative.

    Cons: The user set up does not have any preferences and has very limited options.

    Verdict: Very comprehensive and overall great.

    Kylie, Sunrise Practice & Care

    Apr, 2022

    • Overall

    • Ease of Use

    • Customer Support

    • Functionality

    Pros: Choosing EMA Telehealth has been the best decision for our practice. It has significantly improved our healthcare by enabling a seamless flow of patient data between systems. Its interoperability has not only been time saving but has literally removed the chances of errors and improved the insights.

    Cons: Nothing so far.

    Verdict: It provides a powerful data exchange and has outstanding software interface capabilities.

    Rohan, Milton Hayes Healthcare

    Apr, 2022

    • Overall

    • Ease of Use

    • Customer Support

    • Functionality

    Pros: EMA Telehealth has everything any specialty specific practice would need. It has speed, convenience and adaptability. It has not only streamlined our workflow but also helped our doctors to work about swiftly and easily through their day. It has helped in generating notes and automatically suggest codes and bills as an exam finishes. It is just so quick.

    Cons: Perhaps its price I would say as I believe it might not be affordable for many.

    Verdict: The most balanced and most efficient EHR.

    Bryan, Loup Basin Dermatology Department

    Feb, 2022

    • Overall

    • Ease of Use

    • Customer Support

    • Functionality

    Pros: There are so many features to absolutely love about this software system. From an advanced level patient kiosk app to automated appointment reminders, it is such a robust system. Its patient portal is also worth mentioning here as I believe its finely designed technology not only makes it stand out from the rest of the systems out there but also helps get patients more involved in their own care.

    Cons: There was this learning curve in the initial phase which took some time for adjustment with the system.

    Verdict: Would highly recommend.

    Rachel, Legacy Medical Center

    Feb, 2022

    • Overall

    • Ease of Use

    • Customer Support

    • Functionality

    Pros: It is an amazing software that not only anticipates the next moves but is also capable of remembering common diagnoses. It is practically so intuitive and I can see why because it has been developed by practicing ENT physicians. It is so much better than our previous ENT EMR software. It is far more practical and works the way doctors need.

    Cons: My experience with the customer support has been very delayed, something I am not fond of.

    Verdict: A brilliantly designed software.

    Erica, KIPS Otolaryngology Department

    Jan, 2022

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