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Practice Perfect EMR Software

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: Apr, 2023

Practice Perfect EMR is a web-based Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software designed specifically for rehabilitation and therapy practices. It is suitable for both independent doctors and hospital systems. It is strictly an on-premise solution, but only authorized workers are able to access it through the internet. The system can be utilized on mobile devices as well as Windows-based computers.

It is a comprehensive EHR software solution that helps practices makes sure that their client’s patient scheduling, demographics, medical billing, and documentation information is always live and totally shared by as many people as they choose. This system is free of multiple entry, intricate linkage, and security vulnerabilities.

Client profiling, handling invoicing, payments, and accounts receivables; scheduling patients and sending appointment reminders; electronic medical records (EMR) and medical documentation; simple task management; and advice on practice expansion are some of the system’s key features. Along with faxing and home exercise functionality, there is also a client appointment booking and registration module. Additionally, the system offers thorough reporting on customer and financial data.

With the use of Practice Perfect’s medical billing software, physicians may enter charges, monitor payment promises, track payments, keep track of payments, generate statements, and even report on past-due accounts. The documentation module makes it simple for practitioners to design and edit discharge reports, progress comments, and daily evaluations. Goals and results are tracked as well to improve compliance.

The technology promotes client retention, increases client compliance, and identifies under-performing referral sources to guarantee practice growth. The ICD-10 and ONC-ATCB certifications for Practice Perfect EMR Software. It complies with HIPAA and Meaningful Use requirements.

This may be the system you require if you are a solitary practitioner or a major clinic chain searching for a health IT solution for your practice administration, billing, and clinical operations!

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